Our team members are always eager to get involved with STEM and STEAM programs geared towards increasing participation and career-interest from students. Although social distancing requirements have affected the usual events, a number of them have continued to promote online interaction. NWESI team members John Herboth and Ben du Chalard are a few of those who have easily pivoted towards virtual meetings and discussion to contribute to these organizations.
From John Herboth’s: A Career in Commercial Construction
John presented this in accordance with Portland Public Schools Future You 2GO program. During this presentation, John took the time to discuss how he found himself in his current position as an engineer with NWESI, as well as his duties including system and document analysis, building types, and travel. He was also sure to include some photos of himself as a student illustrating his interest in engineering, physics and construction.

John often prioritizes this type of communication and outreach with school programs across Portland. This presentation was preceded by John’s involvement in the Portland Public Schools Partners Connect program that included a job shadow for 2 days! It involved having John taking his nephew Alex to job sites and explaining some of what he does. They were also accompanied by a special visitor, John’s dog Diana to give an extra special learning experience.
View the full presentation at PPS You 2 Go Presentations.
ACE Mentors
Ben participates in ACE Mentors, an organization whose mission is “To engage, excite and enlighten high school students to pursue careers in architecture, engineering and construction through mentoring and to support their continued advancement in the industry”.
Although their standard in-person events were no longer able to happen, the Portland group kept up their discussions via virtual meetings. This ongoing involvement is key to exposing students to the variety of careers available in engineering fields and beyond.

Thanks for your ongoing work in our communities John and Ben!
Published June 2020